School of Geological Disposal

Information- and data management in site investigations

Introduction SKB International has for almost 40 years been a trusted partner in building competence and confidence through transfer of knowledge and know-how to companies and organisations with responsibilities for the management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste.
Course Level 3
Target group The digital on-line training is aimed at employees or consultants in the nuclear waste sector and managing or are involved in information and data management. You may be relatively new to the field or you have a few years of experience.
Purpose Gain an in-depth understanding of the necessary requirements, processes, organisation and capabilities of a data management system for primary data from a site investigation.
Individual course effort Estimated that course participants neds to spend 2,5-3,5 working days to take part in the course.
Lecturer Ebbe Eriksson, Senior Advisor (IS/IT) SKB International
Per Carlsson, Enterprise Architect, SKB
Assen Simeonov, Senior Advisor Geology, SKB
Zmar Sarlus, Expert Geology, SKB
Type Online course in a course portal with pre-recorded presentation modules.

All the pre-recorded presentations are available during the whole course period. Four live streaming events.

Possibility to post questions in the course portal to lecturers who will provide answers during the course. All presentations will be distributed as pdf documents.

Prerequisite Basic to expert understanding of processes, management of information and data as well as databases.
Extent 12 pre-recorded presentations with length from 15 to 45 minutes.
Examination N/A
Date Q4 2025
Contact person Erik Thurner

Course description

The course main focus is on the processes and system capabilities needed to retrieve information from field investigations, proper store and manage the information and then to distribute the information to various consumers.

It is based on more than 40 years of experience that SKB, and the lectures, has in the field of information and data management and system development.

During that time, SKB has carried out two complete site investigations and built and managed the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory.

  1. Nuclear Power and waste in Sweden
  2. What data is produced during an site investigation?
  3. Information management at SKB
  4. Requirements
  5. QA and QC in Site Investigations
  6. Data management processes in Site Investigations
  7. Data management organisation in Site Investigations
  8. Architecture and capabilities of SKB Data management systems
  9. Future opportunities
  10. Implementation of a data management system. A possible approach.
  11. System demonstration

Last review: May 13, 2022