Courses & training programmes

SKB International has long experience in organising different types of events aimed at transferring SKB’s knowledge and experience to other organisations. From seminars and workshops on specific topics, to the School of Geological Disposal held in 2018 and 2019.

  • SKB International holds courses in different areas/disciplines and for different target groups.
  • Courses are given by lecturers with long experience in the Swedish programme.
  • SKB International, together with the Nuclear Training and Safety Centre (KSU) in Sweden, has developed a unique web-based portal for its courses. (KSU provides different types of training for operational and maintenance personnel at Swedish nuclear power plants).

Online courses

Our web-based courses allow you to learn from our knowledge effectively.

  • Clear and useful information is presented in different areas and for different target groups.
  • Efficient, competence building events for personnel.
  • Online courses are an outstanding efficient and cost-effective way to educate personnel. No unnecessary costs or time spent on travelling and accommodations.
  • The course material is available 24/7 during the course, so participants can access it when they have time and opportunity.

On Demand

Some of the courses are available on demand for individual participants.

  • Same material as in online courses
  • Course material available 24/7
  • No live seminars and Q&A seminars are included
  • Participants can ask questions and get answers from SKB’s experts via the course portal.

Onsite courses

Our onsite courses bring you face to face with our instructors.

  • Courses are organised either in Sweden or at the client’s offices.
  • More iterative atmosphere between participants and lecturers.

Invest in competence building of your staff with courses, onsite and online, based on SKB’s over 40 years of experience. We arrange courses on multiple topics and for different target groups.

Last review: June 21, 2022